Welcome to FrankenCrone Ink!
Hi, I’m Shiri…
… a Jewish, pansexual gore spirit writes a genre once defined by a random generator as “cactus garbage,” is one half of the creative team at Nightjar Bazaar, and herds 1 smaller, and 1 taller, version of herself places they don’t always want, but must necessarily, be. Her stories have been published in several anthologies, including: MY SAY IN THE MATTER, UNLOCKING THE MAGIC, and WOMEN IN HORROR ANNUAL 2016. Her non-fiction can be found in: THE EXPANSE AND PHILOSOPHY, THE JOURNAL OF FANTASY STUDIES (issue 10), and the upcoming NEIL GAIMAN AND THEOLOGY. In her spare time, she is an amateur frog.
I hope you find something to enjoy amidst the various pools of my ink, and the linked ink belonging to authors and artists I love, you can get to by messing around with the buttons below.
And don’t worry about Reginald. He only eats “well, actually” dudes.